The Right to Food.

The Right to Food.

Transforming food and agriculture in Fiji, connecting farmers with the market The Fijian agriculture sector is a mix of commercial (selling products in the markets) and subsistence farming (for local and self-consumption, on a day to day basis). The latter produces 80...
Get more value from coconut

Get more value from coconut

The 2nd module for ‘Get More Value From Coconuts‘ workshop was conducted at the Mua Agriculture Research Station in Taveuni. The workshop was conducted in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture. There was a total of 43 participants that attended the one week...
FCLC Mushroom Cultivation Training

FCLC Mushroom Cultivation Training

FCLC Mushroom Cultivation Training – For Food Security, Health & Nutrition, and Secured Income for the Livelihood of Farmers, Women, Youths & Disabled”, under The Farmers Organisation for Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific [FO4ACP], in coordination with...